

Stage One: Warm Up (1-2mins)

  1. How are you doing today?
  2. How did you get here? By taxi, bus or did you drive?
  3. Is today's weather good for flight? Why/Why not?
  4. What kind of weather do you prefer for flight? Why?
  5. How does aircraft type and aircraft performance impact relate to weather?


 Stage Two: Level Check (5-6mins)

  1. Have you ever encountered severe weather during a flight? (Turbulence, wind shear, thunderstorm, heavy rain, snow, icing conditions?)
  2. Have you ever encountered an in-flight emergency?
  3. Does your company have recommendations for selecting a suitable airport? Do you have specific procedures to follow during an emergency?
  4. Do you consider potential diversion airports before each departure?
  5. Have you ever had to divert? When, where, what were the reasons? What specific conditions may lead to a diversion? (Weather related? Passenger related?Aircraft related?... )
  6. Who do you need to contact when you need to divert?
  7. What are some considerations in making a decision to divert? (Distance, fuel?...)
  8. Do you review emergency procedures during simulator training?
  9. Do procedures change according to aircraft type and local environment?
  10. Which emergency procedures do you review?


Stage Three: Probe (6-7mins)


  1. Choose one emergency situation and Describe it. Explain some of the checklist procedures.
  2. What are some communication requirements during an emergency?
  3. Have you ever been in a real emergency? Do you know anyone that has been in an emergency? 4. For a long haul international flight, at maximum take-off weight, just after becoming airborne, smoke comes from the cabin. What action would you take?
  4. What factors influence your decisions? (Amount of smoke? Communication?...)
  5. Immediately after takeoff, in a twin engine aircraft, one engine fails. What action would you take? What are your procedures?
  6. What about an engine fire. What should you do? Can you explain the procedures?
  7. After becoming airborne, what procedures do you follow? What would you do if the landing gear cannot be retracted?

Stage Four: Wind down (1-2mins)

  1. How many years have you been flying?
  2. Which aircraft are you flying now?
  3. How many type ratings do you have?
  4. Have you been trained on any other aircraft?
  5. Do you have a preference for one type or another?


This is the end of interview. Thank you!

