

Stage One warm Up (1-2mins)

1.How are you doing today?

2.Did you sleep well last night?

3.Is this your first time to have an English test?

4.How many hours in total have you flown?

5.Which other countries have you been to?


 Stage Two level Check (5-6mins)

  1. What are the functions of the flaps?
  2. Can you describe the landing gear on your plane?
  3. Have you ever had any problems with the Hydraulic Pressure System during flight?
  4. What would be impacted by a hydraulic system failure? Can you name a few?
  5. During your simulator sessions, do you have any training related to a hydraulic system failure? Can you say something about it?


 Stage Three : Probe (6-7mins)


  1. According to this picture, what would be the result of a right-hand side system malfunction?
  2. According to this picture, what would be the result a center system malfunction?
  3. This is a diagram of the Hydraulic Pressure System of the B777. Can you say something about your aircraft's Hydraulic Pressure System?
  4. If both the right and center Hydraulic pressure systems fail how will it affect your landing?
  5. If the landing gear cannot be down and locked, how will you manage this situation?
  6. If the flaps cannot be extended, how will you manage this situation?
  7. If the speed brake is unusable, what would you do?
  8. If the reverse thrust cannot be used, what will you do? Is the reverse thrust important to stop the aircraft?


Stage Four: Wind Down (1-2mins)

  1. Do you think the test is difficult for you?
  2. Do you like your job? And Why?
  3. Do you think your job is important? And Why?
  4. Are you going to continue to study English after passing ICAO 4?
  5. What are you going to do for the rest of the day?


This is the end of interview.Thank you!

