


Stage One: Warm up(1-2mins)

1.Do you have any hobbies? And can you say something about it/them?

2.Where is your hometown?

3.Between your hometown and the city you are living in now, which one do you like better and why?

4.Where is your company based?

5.Can you tell me which company you are working with?


Stage Two: Level check (5-6mins)

1.Are you a captain or first officer?

2.How many hours have you got?

3.What is the type of aircraft you are flying now?

4.Can you tell me something about this aircraft?

5.Have you flown other aircrafts before the present type that you are flying?

6.Do you have any experience of unusual flight situation, such as abnormal or even emergent situation? Can you tell me about it?

7.What kind of preparations are you going to make before flight if there might be bad weather conditions in your flight?

8.When you are in trouble, how can you get help from air traffic controllers?

  1. Do you think what is the most important thing when you are in an abnormal or non-routine situation?
  2. Now the foreign pilots are working in Chinese airlines, what do you think about that?


Stage Three: Probe (6-7mins) Picture Talking


1.Please look at the pictures in front of you. Could you please describe what you see in the picture?

2.What damage did the event bring to the aircraft and the shuttle bus?

3.What systems of the aircraft might be affected by the accident?

4.Do you need any ground personnel assistance?

5.How can we avoid this from happening?

6.If this happened before your flight, what should you do?

7.Can you tell me the advantages and disadvantages about small airports and large airports?

8.Can you describe the preflight procedures?

Stage Four: Wind down(1-2mins)


1.Now that you have finished the test, can you tell me whether you think the test is difficult or not?

2.What do you think you should in the future further learning?

3.Are you going home right after this test?

4.Do you have any plan with your family when you have got home?

5.If you did not take the test today and would take it, say, one month later, what do you think you can do to improve?

This is the end of the interview. Thank you!

