

Stage One: Warm up (1-2mins)

Welcome to PEPEC!

  1. Please introduce your airlines.
  2. Where did you learn your flight?
  3. What are the fondest memories of your family?
  4. What kinds of music do you enjoy most? Why?
  5. What do you like to do in your spare time?


 Stage Two: Level check (5-6mins)

1.How many flight hours have you accumulated?

2.What type of airplane are you fly now? Do you like it? Why?

  1. What types of aircraft have you flown? Which type do you like best? Why?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?
  3. What do you think of teamwork in a flight?
  4. How do you get along well with your colleagues during flight?
  5. What should you do if you have different opinion with other crew members?
  6. What is the responsibility of the captain?
  7. What factors do you think will affect flight safety according to your flight experience?

10.Do you think the standardization will enhance safety and efficiency? why?


Stage Three: Probe (6-7mins) Picture Talking


Please look at the pictures in front of you.

  1. Could you please describe what you notice in the picture?
  2. What happened according to the picture?
  3. If you were the captain on board, what would you do under such circumstances?
  4. If emergency evacuation is needed, how would you execute it?

5.If your passengers all were scared at that moment, how would you help flight attendants to execute the evacuation smoothly?

  1. What emergency assistance do you need in this case?
  2. What assistance can ATC provide to the crew in this case?
  3. What lessons can we learn from this accident?


Stage Four: Wind-down(1-2mins)

  1. Have you ever taken any English tests in the past?
  2. What is your opinion on today's test?
  3. Do you enjoy speaking English?
  4. Do you have any plan after this interview?
  5. How do you go home?

This is the end of the interview.Thank you!
