


Stage One: Warm up (1-2mins)

1)Please give a brief introduction about your college or airlines.

2)Do you like traveling? Why?

3)Do you often surf on the internet?

4)How did you become a pilot?

5)Do you think you are lucky to be a pilot? Why?


Stage Two: Level check(5-6mins)

1)Why is low level wind-shear hazardous to flying?

2)Do you have any experience of any flight in adverse weather?

3)Tell me the procedure to deal with the wind-shear.

4)Who has impressed you most in your flight training?

5)What do you understand about CRM?

6)Describe one of your unforgetable things during your flight.

7)What are the most important factors in handling takeoff?

8) If engine fails during takeoff, how should you do?

9) Can you tell me the detail about VOR approach?

10) If you have to divert, what might be the reasons for diversion?


Stage Three: Probe (6-7mins)


Picture Description Please look at the pictures in front of you .

1)Could you please describe what you see in the picture?

2)What happened according to the picture?

3)According to your own knowledge, what caused the accident?

4)If you were the captain on board, what would you do under such circumstances?

5)If emergency evacuation is needed, how will you execute it?

6)If your passengers all were scared at that moment, how will you help flight attendants to execute the evacuation smoothly?

7)What emergency assistance do you need in this case?

8)What assistance can ATC provide to the crew in this case?


 Stage Four Wind down(1-2mins)

1)What do you think of today's test?

2)How do you plan to improve your spoken English?

3)After finishing test, what are you like to do?

4)How will you go back home?

5)Do you have flight tomorrow?


This is the end of the interview.Thank you!

